Toolkit Updates

The Toolkit just got a little bit bigger.
Check out our latest page additions:

New to the Toolkit? Start with our Overview page.

  • Section 1: Understanding Beneficial Electrification

    What beneficial electrification means for your utility and customers

  • Section 2: Beneficial Electrification End-Use Applications

    What technologies make beneficial electrification possible, right now

  • Section 3: Assessing Your Beneficial Electrification Opportunity

    Find out the beneficial electrification potential for your area

  • Section 4: Planning a Beneficial Electrification Program

    How to design a program that can match your needs

  • Section 5: Deploying a Beneficial Electrification Program

    Tools and tips to make your program a reality

  • Case Studies

    Learn about existing beneficial electrification programs


Now Entering the Electrification Era