About the Beneficial Electrification Toolkit

Beneficial Electrification at work. Graphic: Joanne Zulinski, EESI

The Beneficial Electrification Toolkit is a free resource to help utilities and stakeholders turn a general interest in beneficial electrification into a concrete program.

Beneficial electrification is creating a major shift for the power sector. Electric utilities are on the front lines of this new energy future, facing the greatest transition since rural electrification in the early 20th century. This Toolkit supports utilities in navigating new funding and program opportunities.

The Beneficial Electrification Toolkit is divided into five sections that lead users start-to-finish from understanding a program to launching one. There are many ways for utility leaders to create a program, and having this step-by-step guide will make the process more efficient and enjoyable. The showcased examples of beneficial electrification, the self-assessment calculator tools, and the program plan writing section explain key elements of BE, concluding with guidance on program deployment.

The Toolkit is a project of the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI), a nonprofit supporting policymakers with educational resources, often helping rural communities. EESI and its partners have worked with electric co-ops and other utilities across the country to help develop beneficial electrification and on-bill financing programs. The Toolkit reflects lessons learned from those programs and from feedback from a wide range of experts and stakeholders.

EESI welcomes feedback and suggestions for the Toolkit. The authors acknowledge that beneficial electrification opportunities and needs range widely across the country and between individual utilities.



Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI): John-Michael Cross, Miguel Yanez, Emma Johnson, Sydney O’Shaughnessy, Aaron Vincent Facundo

Collaborative Efficiency: Jon Jantz, Pat Keegan

New Story Studio: Kellen Lynch

EESI Interns: Maia Crook, Abi Shiva, Rachel Snead, Hamilton Steimer, Jaxon Tolbert, Roshni Vora

Special Thanks

EESI is grateful to all our donors who make our work possible, especially the following:

The JPB Foundation

Energy Foundation

McKnight Foundation

Merck Family Fund


Brian Henderson, Independent Consultant

Lindsey Smith, Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina

Mike Smith, Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina

Carol Werner, EESI